How to Avoid Distractions While Studying

Let’s pretend you’ve got an exam coming up – a big one. It can be stressful and nerve wracking, but it’s easier to prepare than you think. Picture this scenario: you planned to wake up at 7am, work for 8 hours straight to give yourself some time to socialize, but then it got to lunchtime and you realized you hadn’t really achieved anything. You probably tried to get some work done that morning, but there were just too many distractions! So how do you stop this exact scenario from happening and keep yourself focused on your studies with so many things popping up around you?

Whether you are studying up for a big university exam or practicing your new English skills before a comprehension test, it helps to know how to prepare yourself for the optimal study experience. Here is our must-read guide for how to avoid those pesky study distractions.


1. Be organized

Organization is the key! It may sound boring, but if you are spending half your time searching for that book you need, or that favorite pen that you can’t study without, then you are wasting valuable time. Have everything where you need it and set up exactly how you like it, and you will find that you are able to work in a much more efficient way.


Study tips – organized
Not only will an organized desk make your studying easier, but it is also quite relaxing to look at


2. Create a timetable

Plan your day. Waking up and working aimlessly can seem like a never-ending, impossible task. If you have an idea of what you need to achieve by each point of the day, the tasks won’t seem so intimidating. Make sure you include time to spend with your family and friends which can help you de-stress.  

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3. Be active!

Sitting at a desk all day long can be exhausting, despite involving no exercise whatsoever. That’s why it’s important to take a few small breaks away from your study space – do some exercise, get outside, play some sports, or do whatever it is you like to do to stay active. It can take your mind off the stress of working, and besides, you need to have a bit of fun while as well!


study tips – be active
Take a dance break – you'll probably need one!


4. Don’t relax where you work

As we’ve mentioned, you need some time in your working schedule to chill out and do something away from your study materials. Make sure this isn’t in the same place as where you work! You need to take your mind off your studies during your break; relaxing next to your books isn’t going to achieve this!


5. Turn off your phone!

This is probably the best tip you will ever receive. We have all been there – study for about 10 minutes and then check Facebook or Instagram to see if there’s anything interesting. However many minutes later, you have wasted a lot of time doing very little. You’d be shocked at how well you can focus if you leave your phone off or in a different room!


study tips – no phone
Eliminate any possibility of getting distracted by your phone – turn it off!


With these 5 tips you should be on your way to studying distraction free. Good luck! 


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