How To Look for A Job Abroad

There are many reasons for wanting to work internationally, whether it’s for job experience, living in a new place or a bad job economy at home, but wanting to work internationally isn’t a career path.

It’s important to be sure that you’re ready for all the ups and downs that come with looking for a job abroad. Here are our top 5 tips for finding a job abroad.


job interview abroad
Finding a job abroad isn't always easy, but it can be very rewarding.


1. Do your research

Living abroad can mean many changes, and it’s not always easy to enter a new country. Do you need a working visa? What are the regulations around it? Do you need a job before you can move? Also consider things like the benefits provided by companies, the amount of taxes you would pay, the cost of living in your chosen country … even the weather is an important thing to think about! If you are used to living somewhere hot and sunny most of the year, perhaps somewhere like Norway is not going to suit you.


2.  Use your connections – network

Ask your friends and family if they know anyone working internationally, and find out if there is anyone who can help you. Knowing someone in the place you want to move will help make the transition smoother, and they can provide advice and tips while you get accustomed to your new home. They may also know of job opportunities, or know someone else who is looking to hire someone.


3. Develop your skills

Are you interested in working in a country that speaks a different language? How is your language level? Consider taking an immersive language course in the country you want to study in. If you can’t do that yet, take courses at home, but focus your attention on gaining practical language skills. Working in a foreign language is very different from traveling in a different language.

You should also focus on the skills you need for the jobs you’re interested in. Being from somewhere abroad may make you less appealing in some cases, so having skills and experience that will make you better at the job than others applying helps your chances. Try to understand the job market and see exactly what businesses are looking for in candidates.


job skills
Build yourself into a better candidate


4. Choose a job that fits your skills

Finding something that you’re already good at and that you can build upon is easier than starting entirely from scratch. Even if you are interested in changing your career – ensure that what you’re interested in is something that you would be happy to do. Moving to a new country for a job that you might end up hating is not a good way to get a fresh start.


5. Consider a role that’s in demand

If you are interested in a new career, find out about the jobs that are the hardest to fill around the world. Generally, the most in-demand careers right now are in engineering, sales, information technology and research & development. This can vary from country to country. Remember steps one and three: Do your research and develop your skills!

With these tips, and dedication to getting a job abroad, you’ll be moving in no time. Good luck with your job search!

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